Make the most of the data your customers entrust you with.

A single view of the customer and a deep knowledge of your customer base are key to providing them with the personalized user experience they expect.

We can help you nurture a deep and trust-based relation with your customers by sending the right communication on the right channel at the right moment.

Data Driven Marketing - BitBang

With dedicated technologies - such as Customer Data Platforms - we help you build a 360-customer view, and stitch together information from different sources and moments.

This common data pool is the basis for audience segmentation and marketing channels activation to provide personalised, real-time, relevant experiences.

Journey Orchestration - BitBang

Design an end-to-end customer journey with clearly mapped out touchpoints.

We identify the journeys that matter based on your business goals and analyse each and every customer path to make sure your customers are met with personalised, effective messaging.

Cross-channel Campaign Management - BitBang

Today any customer journey is inherently cross-channel: implement advanced strategies to offer a consistent and personalised journey across channels.

Optimisation - BitBang

Designing an interface that works well with your customers doesn’t have to rely on gut feeling or general guidelines.

An extensive testing and experimentation, in tight connection with Digital Analytics and Customer Experience Analytics, will allow you to verify what your customers respond best to.

Personalisation - BitBang

Our personalisation services help you provide the unique experience your customers crave. With our help you can deliver dynamic and memorable experiences, shaped around each step of your customers’ journeys.

Adobe Experience Cloud
Oracle Bluekai
CDP Institute
Dynamic Yield
Treasure Data