Customer Analytics is one of BitBang’s cornerstones: we are committed to enabling our clients to understand their customers through the highest quality data, so they can make informed data-driven business decisions. That’s why we are excited to announce our new partnership with Qualtrics, the leader and creator of the experience management category.
Customer Experience is a fundamental piece of a Customer Analytics program: reliable qualitative data needs to complement the extensive quantitative dataset businesses usually have, so that meaningful insights can be derived by applying standard and advanced analysis techniques.
Partnering with Qualtrics allows us to leverage their powerful technology to collect, analyse, and act on real-time feedback. With Qualtrics’ comprehensive platform, we can help our clients capture the voice of their customers, employees, and other stakeholders, and transform that feedback into actionable insights.
We have been using Qualtrics to support our customers for several years: now the official partnership allows us to bring our consultancy to the next level.